Vol. 4 No. 3 (2024): December 2024

The articles within this are contributed by more than 560 authors affiliated with more than 100 institutions from 20 countries including Australia (Curtin University), Bangladesh (Rangpur Medical College and Hospital), Hongkong (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), India (Uttaranchal University, and others), Indonesia (Universitas Airlangga, and others), Iraq (University of Baghdad and AL-Mustaqbal University), Japan (Kyoto University, and others), Jordan (Jordan University of Science and Technology, and others), Malaysia (Universiti Malaya, and others), Nepal (Kathmandu Medical College), Philippines (University of the Philippines Manila), South Africa (University of Cape Town), South Korea (Chonbuk National University), Taiwan (National Taipei University and National Cheng Kung University), Thailand (Silpakorn University, and others), Turkey (Erciyes University), UK (Northumbria University, Imperial College London, and City University of London), Ukraine (I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University), United Arab Emirates (RAK Medical & Health Sciences University), and USA (University of Colorado Denver).