Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): August 2022

The articles within this are contributed by 71 authors affiliated with 57 institutions from 30 countries inlcuding Bangladesh (BGC Trust University, and others), China (Southeast University and Huaiyin Institute of Technology), Cyprus (University of Cyprus Medical School), Egypt (Ain Shams University), Ethiopia (Jimma University), Germany (Städtisches Klinikum Dresden), Ghana (Central University), Ireland (National University of Ireland Galway), Japan (Juntendo University and Kawakita General Hospital), Jordan (University of Jordan and others), Kuwait (College of Medicine Jabriya), Morocco (National School of Public Health), Nepal (Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital), New Zealand (University of Auckland), Palestine (Al-Quds University), Poland (Pomeranian Medical University), DRC (Institut National de Recherche en Science de la Santé), Saudi Arabia (King Fahad Hospital and others), Spain (Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu), Sweden (Lund University and others), Ukraine (Shupyk National Healthcare University), UAE (Mediclinic Welcare Hospital), UK (Anglia Ruskin University and others), USA (Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center), and others.